10 February 2009


There are many positives about working from home - less work interruptions, mileage savings on the SUV, lower household expenses (ie - gas), walking John & Kathryn to school, being a classroom mom, etc. The list really could go on for miles. One of the negatives of working from home - grazing opportunities.

It's harder to graze at the office. I take my lunch almost every day that I'm on campus (snacks, too) and the candy bowls don't have the goodies that I like. I focus on the tasks of the day without ever thinking about my hunger. My house, on the other hand, has everything that I like. When I'm sitting with my laptop, I'm constantly thinking about what I can snack on. It doesn't matter how busy my day is, I find myself wandering to the kitchen. I've found that having a cold drink (water, iced tea or lemonade) has helped me stay away from the 'danger zone'. I've also stocked my pantry with nuts and dried fruits.

Day 3

Breakfast - shredded wheat with Soy Milk
Lunch - Hummus with baked Parmesan chips
Snack - McDonald's fruit & walnut salad
Dinner - Couscous w/ pine nuts, tomatoes and silken tofu


30 Minutes of lap swimming
3.5 Mile run

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