26 August 2007

Patio Races

John & Kathryn love to run after one another. Our patio is their favorite spot! Kevin & I call it patio NASCAR because they can chase each other for hours. They make 'pit stops' to wave at neighbors walking their pets or to point at the airplanes that fly overhead. When they're done, they sit on the patio chairs clapping - declaring themselves the winner! They giggle until someone falls down from exhaustion.

The track (i.e. - the patio) has been closed due to inclement weather. It's been raining in DC these last few days & we've had to reschedule their races to the living room. The sun has returned (so has the humidity) and the running will begin again!

24 August 2007

Bath Time - Sharing the Rocker

This is an old picture that was uncovered while I was migrating photos to our new flickr page. This was taken back in Feb-07 and they were 20 months old. It's hard to get them both to sit still when trying to snap a few photos, this night I found success!

Who doesn't like running around the house naked, fresh from a bath!

23 August 2007

Pictures Already

It's playtime at Towncrest Ct:

John is aquadoodling. Kathryn is climbing on anything that will support her. If you don't know what aquadoodling is - well, it's the best toddler creation ever. With just a little bit of water, the twins draw for hours in peace - No broken crayons, no finger paint disasters, no stickers found in random parts of the house collecting dog hair; just beautiful creations w/o a mess! Mommy likes.

For more pictures, please vist our flickr link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/11661486@N05/

I promise to document the twins on a more regular basis!

We enter the 21st Century

The twins, Kevin & I have decided to enter into the world of blogging. We are continually asked to send pictures & updates on our lives - how are the twins? what are they doing? have any pictures to share? Using this new form of communication (new to us, not to the thousands of others who blog), we hope to keep you abreast of all the important, but not critical information that's fit to print!

Enjoy & visit often.