09 February 2009

I heart Soy

I have received many positive words of encouragement as day 2 of my vegetarian challenge comes to a close. While I'm not exclusively removing dairy from my diet, I will be replacing regular milk with soy milk. Kevin will wrinkle his nose in disgust, but Soy Milk really isn't too bad and the protein is important to my training. Truth be told, I really like it. I've bought Silk Soy milk from time to time (usually when I have a coupon), so I am already accustomed to the taste. Lately, I've been substituting my morning coffee creamer with Chocolate Soy and I make a delicious strawberry/blackberry shake with the Vanilla Soy. The Silk Soy company offers soy 'light', so I'm not too concerned about calories. You can't beat only 80 calories/serving.

Day 2

Breakfast - Bite-size spinach quiche
Snack - Almonds w/ dried cherries
Lunch - Yogurt w/ granola
Dinner - Roasted potatoes (leftovers) with melted Swiss


30 minutes of lap swimming

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