04 January 2010

What is that annoying noise? Oh yes, my alarm.

6am came awfully early this Monday morning. I was blessed with a two week holiday from work and I slept in most days. I don't normally need an alarm since my circadian rhythm (and two 4 1/2 yr olds) has a +/- 10 minute window of accuracy; however, this cold morning required an extra step. I'm back to work, the kids are back to school and so goes the weekly routine.

I will be walking/running 4 miles today after work. Inside of course -- it is still 10 degrees outside. Currently my pedometer has 2106 steps. This little contraption is very sensitive. I went to check my progress yesterday, after running errands with the kids, and my forearm must have hit the reset button because total steps equaled 601. Only 601! I know that before the movies I was over 6,000. To be fair, I didn't want to estimate. My first day of tracking ended up being n/a.

Today's goal -- not fall asleep at work. daily naps during the holiday is the culprit.

Diet tidbit -- fat makes you fat. Only the good fat will do!

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