11 August 2008

Triathlon Training

In a past post I mentioned I was training for a triathlon. The training continues. The triathlon isn't until 2009, but I'm glad I made the decision to do this. I'm getting in better shape, I'm eating better (no more meat), and feeling invigorated. My training focus for August is bicycling. It's been at least 10 years since I've been on a bike (for more than a few minutes). My neighborhood has rolling hills. I'm getting my balance and great practice shifting my gears.

My legs burn by the end of my ride, but my backside is looking slimmer. The tri is a 20k (approximately 12 miles). It was suggested that I train for a 15 miler, so that the 12 miles don't seem so hard the day of the race. I'm at the 12 mile mark, just need to add another 3 miles to my route. The 12 miles are taking me a little less than 1 hour. That time will improve as I continue my quest.

Next training step is the swimming. That will be my winter goal. Thanks to everyone for their continued encouragement.

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