24 August 2008

Couch to 5k

At a recent play date my girlfriend & I were discussing my decision to race in a triathlon. I mentioned that the hardest part of the three components would be the running. I just am not a running/jogging fan. She recommended a website that got her back into shape - couch to 5k (www.c25k.com). I have one word about this website - FANTASTIC! I've downloaded the weekly podcasts and did my first run. It's not so bad. The music is a little cheesy, but the intervals of running/walking are keeping me positive. Since most of my exercising includes pushing the twins in a jogger or pulling them on bike trailer, I should do pretty well when I'm solo! We are planning on running the Jingle Bell 5k in Dec-08.

The new school year begins tomorrow. That means me lite commute these last few months has come to an end. On Wednesday, the Gtown kids return to class. It's going to be a hectic week.

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