13 October 2007

Chris & Charlie turn 3!

Unforeseen problems have plagued the Glasscock blog. Since I do most of my composing & picture editing from my work laptop, I trust that my computer will remain functional. Not the case these past two weeks. First, my mouse decided to malfunction. Then my Thunderbird email account decided to go haywire and deleted all five years of work email threads from my local drives. My laptop has spent many nights at the laptop infirmary being cared for by a slew of technicians. I'm back, but my emails are permanently gone. Lesson learned - don't trust the network & back up your important documents with an external hard drive.

Last weekend was birthday weekend. We began with the Farkas twins' 3rd birthday. We've known the Farkas family since 2000 when they became our immediate neighbors. Unfortunately, they moved away in 2004 (they needed more room) when Nancy learned she was expecting twins. There must have been something in the water that year, because I found out I was expecting twins exactly nine months later. While we miss them as neighbors, we stay in touch regularly. Chuck & Kevin are golf buddies. Nancy & I are members of the same twins group (FCPOM). Their twins spend lots of time with our twins. John & Kathryn had the pleasure of attending Chris & Charlie's third birthday party - a Thomas the Train themed event. They joined twelve other rambunctious 1-3yr olds for running, laughing & playing. We left exhausted. John & Kathryn did receive the cutest goodie bag item - two blue & white striped conductor's hats. Please enjoy some pictures from the event.

The next day was Kevin's birthday. The big 47!!! His birthday was actually the same day as Chris & Charlie's birthday party, but we agreed to celebrate the following day b/c of his work schedule. It was a quiet day of watching NFL football & celebrating with family. Uncle Eddie, Kevin's youngest brother & my great friend from college/roommate during my single years (that's how Kevin & I met) came up for the afternoon. In addition, my sister Kathryn & her friend Kaitlin made the trip from DC to Frederick. Kevin picked the menu - steamed lobsters, steamed shrimp w/ Old Bay, garlic mashed potatoes, and homemade cheesecake. We sang happy birthday, while the twins danced & chatted away. Since Kevin & I have been removed from the dating scene for almost eight years, it was delightful to hear the challenges of two beautiful & intelligent 22yr old girls. The standards of 2007 are much different than the dating standards when I was that age. Good times!

The long weekend concluded with Monday night football and the Dallas Cowboys defeating the Buffalo Bills. Dallas hosts the New England Patriots this weekend. Kevin has been blessed so far this football season. Everytime Dallas is playing on national television, Kevin is home. The scheduling gods must be on his side.

I couldn't close without mentioning other recent events among our family. A Happy Birthday to Grandpa Glasscock (turning 70!) and Uncle Doug. We wish we could be down in Richmond to celebrate with you. October is the month for Glasscock birthday celebrations. The same is true for November with the Busardos - Grandpa Busardo, Grandma Busardo & I have birthdays within the same week!!

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