21 March 2008

These shoes are made for tri-ing


Why, you may ask, did I take a picture of my feet? Well, these feet don't know what I've gotten them in to. My college roommate, Dee Dee, and I are going to train for the Smith Mountain Lake Triathlon (May 2009). Don't call us crazy; don't call us daring. Call us brave! We aren't able to train for this year's event because Dee Dee is currently eight month's pregnant with her second child. This triathlon will be a 1/2 mile swim (I can do that), a 12 mile bike ride (I can do that), and a 3 mile run (can't do that). I don't like to run. Walk yes; run no. I have 13 months to make it happen. Expect many posts on the ups & downs of training.

I have a bike. It just needs to be sent to the bike shop for a lube job and air in the tires. I have a swimming card for the indoor pool near my mom's house or maybe I'll ask Dee Dee's parents if I can swim in their pool. I'll start swimming during my lunch hour. The running I can either do around my neighborhood or at the gym.

We aren't required to raise money in order to participate in this event. We may decide to raise funds for a local charity that we agree on, but that will need to be discussed. For now, we won't be making a plea for donations.

There will be many trips to Roanoke as we encourage each other to do our best. It's going to take blood, sweat and lots of water to get us across the finish line. But we're going to do it. We're going to finish. We aren't worried about times or best in our age group. Soon we can call ourselves triathletes!

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