03 March 2008

Rest and Drink Plenty of Fluids

I played hookey from work today, but for all the wrong reasons. A few weeks back I was hospitalized with a 6mm kidney stone. Luckily, my body was able to pass (albeit with much pain) this obstruction. Unfortunately, my urologist confirmed that both kidneys were harbouring more stones ranging in size from 2mm to 5mm. In order to reduce my risk of another hospitalization, it was recommended I undergo am Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).

I was admitted this morning to the Frederick Surgical Center and promised I would be home by noon. I suffered terrible nausea from the anesthesia and wasn't discharged until 1pm. I'm now home 'resting' and following my discharge orders. The most fun about my next steps is Kevin gets to lightly punch my right kidney (no kidding). This will help move any stone fragments from the outer reaches of the organ so they can be flushed out through the normal kidney function.

To the twins, today was just another day. Esther kept them occupied all day. They did want to join mommy in her bed for a little while this afternoon. I couldn't resist letting them give me kisses while I was resting. They'll be off to pre-school tomorrow and the house will be quiet for most of the day.

I will have to endure this procedure again, but my left kidney won't be shocked until the summer. It didn't have as many stones as the right. Thanks to everyone who wished me a successful procedure.

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