04 June 2008

Our Fallen Tree


We didn't listen to the warnings. A severe storm came through MD/VA/DC this afternoon. Typical summer day -- hot and humid, then it turns black in a matter of minutes. I was in the city today and watched the storm roll past. I called home to see if the storm hit Frederick. My mother in law didn't have much to say other than 'you may want to talk with Kevin'. Kevin? He was supposed to be at work, why was he home. First I thought maybe my jogging stroller had blown away. Come to find out our cherry tree was struck by lightening; splitting in two. Luckily, the part of the tree that fell didn't strike any of our neighborhood homes or cars; however, it fell across our neighbor's tree and garden (completely ruining both). It took me 2 1/2 hrs to get home. It wasn't just my tree that was a casualty.

Nationwide better be on our side!

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