01 February 2008

Where have the entries gone?

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Blogging isn't as easy as I had hoped. I have a few blogs I follow on a regular basis and the writers have a talent I haven't mastered - finding time to make daily entries. The beginning of 2008 has brought us:

  • Kevin came down with the same sinus/ear infection that the rest of the family fought during the holidays.
  • The twins returned to preschool. This meant our laid back holiday was really over and we were back to schedules and routine
  • Budget season has begun for me at Gtown. I will be knee deep in financial statements and business plans for the next four months.
  • Kathryn refuses to wear pants or tights. She has gone into her 'dresses only' mode. I've been told by other mothers that this will last another 10 years (yikes!).
  • John's last two molars are coming in. Lots of tears and Motrin (for mom).
  • An ambulance ride to the local hospital because I was inflicted with the most horrible pain that left me screaming on the living room. Whatever could it have been? A 6mm (think rice krispy) kidney stone. Pain to birth two 6lb babies (at the same time) = 2, Pain to pass this tiny stone = 20.
  • After three months of sleeping in the living room, our master bedroom is final complete. I will share before and after in my next post.

I intend for this blog to be a daily recap of the happenings of the Glasscock family. I hope that the twins can look back and see what they've been up to at various points in thier life. So, John & Kathryn? When you read this when you're all grown up, here's what you're up to at Big Boy/Girl 31 months

  • Kathryn will only drink chocolate milk, wear dresses and demands that Sherman come with us everywhere we go. First it was Herbert, but lately she calls him Hammer. She'll say - Hammer come or Hammer stop.
  • John will not take a bath. Refuses by running to the farthest corner of the house when we run the water.
  • The other night, Kathryn said "I love you daddy" and then gave him a big kiss before going to bed. Kevin melted.
  • John can say almost the entire alphabet. He's still a very shy child. He won't talk unless spoken to. He surprised us with 'Dog, where are you?' today. No cajoling. A four word sentence!
  • John's favorite book is 'Llama Llama, Red Pajama'. He'll want you to read it at least 5 times a day. I can hide it and somehow he'll find it.
  • When the camera is out they pose like supermodels. They work the camera with their 'cheese' smiles.
  • They no longer point to the following body parts - head, eyes, ears, nose, teeth or tongue. They are proud to say each word.
  • Potty training is just around the corner. John has Elmo underwear and Kathryn girlie panties. We've used these cotton briefs to get them used to being wet. We've had many accidents, but we are progressing.
  • They tend to give me a harder time that anyone else in their life. No one believes me when I talk about the tantrums they perform for me
  • Luckily, they are more than cute enough to make up for these tantrums.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. They are amazing kids. Please enjoy some photos from the last few weeks. Please note that the photo of them naked with hats doesn’t mean we keep the heat off. That morning they wouldn't eat their waffles unless they were shirtless and were wearing their knitted caps.

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